BA Thomas Interview

BA Thomas | @ba_artworks

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who you are, where you’re from and what you do.

I'm your classic introverted artist who would rather talk to a cat than a person. I grew up in North Carolina, but my husband, Grant, & I live in Indiana. I'm dying without mountains and sea, though, so a change may be on the horizon. I work in multiple mediums as an independent artist, but collage is where I go when I get angry, when I have questions, when I want to get into the grit around me.

How did you get your start as an artist?

In short: my horse died. I was a competitive horsewoman from a young age, and had just qualified for Nationals in my division. I was hoping to qualify for the Olympics one day and to continue riding through college, when a freak accident happened and my horse had to be put down. Mourning that loss at 16 was difficult; I lost a close companion and my future all in one. In the next couple years, I leaned into my crafty & artistic side and settled on majoring in fine art in college. I ended up with a minor in art history as well, which is really where my passion for what I make stems from. Recognizing my part in a long history and large conversation is intimidating and inspiring, and encourages me to have something to say. I worked a few part time jobs while also creating and exhibiting over the last few years (barista, floral designer), but decided to pursue my art career full-time about a year ago.

What do you love most about what you do?

I mean this in the tenderest way possible: making people cry. When someone messages me saying that a piece of mine brought them to tears, it's one of the biggest compliments to the thought and effort that I put into my work. Being able to connect people to their emotions is a huge honor, and I treasure it.

What do you find the most challenging?

Well, making people cry! I create from my own experience, often processing current events alongside my womanhood, but I always strive to recognize that there are other experiences out there. Weaving all of that into one piece is a major challenge, often requiring research on symbolism, history, folklore, etc. I'm always typing random things I hear into my notes on my phone, or furiously writing things down when I read, taking pictures of images I want to come back to, or ripping pages out when I haven't even finished the magazine yet... Sorting through that collection to find the gems that will connect dots for the viewer is hard work!

When things get tough, where do you find the inspiration to keep moving forward?

REST. I have mild OCD and anxiety, which can make my mind a chaotic swirl of worry and ambition at times. Taking moments to ground myself, either in conversation with a friend, in solitude in nature, or in my inflatable pool that I pretend is an ocean, can really calm that mind-tornado, as well as give me new information and ideas to pull from in my work.

Who is a collagist you admire most and why?

Lorna Simpson. Most people probably know her more as a photographer, but she's been making these Earth & Sky collages in the last few years that just blow me away with simplicity of form yet complexity of meaning. I so admire when artists can walk such a delicate line in their work.

Tell me something unusual that makes you happy.

A pair of sculpted teeth earrings I just made last week. My cat, Agnes, had little vampire fangs that needed to be removed earlier this year. She's adorable without them, but I just kept thinking how they would have made wonderful earrings, so.. I made some out of clay. They make me very happy.

Anything weird on your bucket list?

Night swimming with Manta rays. I would puke right before and pee myself the whole time but #worthit.

Top three songs you keep on repeat?

This is *difficult* for me. I have hours and hours of studio music I go through. But here are three I could listen to forever:

Beware of the Dogs by Stella Donnelly

Myth by Beach House

Mad Woman by Taylor Swift (get at me, haters)

Podcast you can't get enough of?

Oof. I'm not a podcast girl. But my dear, lovely friend Rebekah started a podcast called Prose & Songs and I listen to that because it's so honest and interesting and complex. It's on Spotify, go check it out.

How do you fuel for the day?

Big sleep, big coffee! For real though, if I don't have some solid rest, I'm just trash the whole next day no matter how much coffee I drink. I sleep, take my time in the mornings, and have a cup of coffee that Grant so sweetly makes for me.

Tell us about your vision for the future! Go big, we want to root you on!

I feel like I have two opposing ones? The first is full of daily mountain hikes and a home with a window-walled studio and a garden of cutting flowers and a creek I can soak in and wine on the porch with Grant every night. And then the other is having my work in prestigious galleries, traveling for exhibitions, and confidently giving artist talks to crowds who listen. Maybe the overall vision is weaving those two together?

BA Thomas | @ba_artworks

For Bathsheba.jpg
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